Yelp Integration Add-on

Yelp Integration Add-on


Last update: Feb. 19th. 2020

Contents of this Manual are applicable to the Yelp Integration Add-On. Details of this Manual may be different based on the customizations you have or your software.



This Manual contains information about the Yelp Integration Add-On, an extension for the WPL plugin.

Yelp integration Add-on is a tool to show nearby businesses close to the property. It loads the businesses on the property details page. You can filter the businesses using the yelp activity too so you can simply choose which categories should show on the property details page.

System Requirements

To use the Property Analytics Add-on, you will need the following:

  1. WPL PRO (You cannot install any add-on to the WPL basic)

  2. An API key from Yelp Company.


If you have the Installation Package of the Yelp Add-On, you can upload it from the following path: WordPress->WPL dashboard->Install Add-on form.

You can download the installation package of Yelp add-on from Realtynaā€™s billing website.


Get an API Key from BKFS

Youā€™ll need to register with a Yelp user account. If you don't already have one, please visit https://www.yelp.com/signup to sign up for one now.

Once you have a Yelp user account and have signed in, you can go to the Manage App page to create an app with Yelp. Then, you'll get your API Key, which you can use in Yelp integration add-on.

Yelp Activity

After installing the Yelp add-on a new activity will add to your website automatically. This activity used for showing the nearby businesses on the property details page. You can enable this activity and set the API key that you received from the Yelp website.

Also, there are several filters and sort options there to help you display what you want.


Now you can see nearby businesses on the property details page. You can see business name, rating, address, distance, phone number and featured image of a business in the list. Also, there is a load more button at the end of the list so visitors are able to view more businesses close to the property.