WPL Complex Add-on

WPL Complex Add-on


Last update: Nov. 13th, 2019

Contents of this Manual are applicable to the WPL Complex Add-On. Details of this Manual may be different based on the customizations you have or your software.



This Manual contains information about the Complex Add-On, an extension for the WPL plugin.

The Complex Add-On is a powerful extension that enables real estate WordPress websites to add Complex/Condominium properties into WPL.

System Requirements

To use the Complex Add-On, you will need the WPL Pro. (Don't install any Add-On in WPL basic)


If you have the Installation Package of the Complex Add-On, you can upload it from the following path: WordPress->WPL dashboard->Install Addon form.

Using Complex Add-On

After the installation, you will see the "Complex Add-On" menu that is added to the WPL backend menu. By clicking on this menu you will see the following screenshot:

Note: If you saw "You don't have access to this part!" message after clicking on this menu, you should edit your user from WPL->User manager and check "Complex Addon" access checkbox.

Manage Complex Data Structure

mm field types

Complex Add-On uses new field types like mmnumber, mmprice etc.

mm means Min/Max so mmnumber is a field type for setting Min/Max values for a field. For example the field type for bedrooms, bathrooms etc. are mmnumber.Ā  You can specify Min/Max values for these fields (1-2 bathrooms, 1-4 bedrooms etc.).

There are some Min/Max fields by default in the Complex fields such as price, built-up area, bedrooms, bathrooms, rooms etc., however, you can add more Min/Max fields if needed by using the "Add new field" form.

Note: Complex fields are completely separate from Property fields. This means if you disable one Property field, it will still be enabled in the Complex fields until you disabled it in complex flex as well.Ā  If you edited a select field and added a new option to it you should do the same for the Complex select field.

Add/Edit Complexes

This menu enables you to add/edit Complexes. As you can see, there are some new fields and Min/Max fields that you can fill in when adding/editing the Complex.

Assigning Properties to one Specific Complex

After adding the Complexes, you can assign Complex properties to that Complex using the parent field which is located in the Add/Edit Property menu. You can type the Complex Title or the Complex Listing ID.Ā  WPL will then suggest Complexes to you.Ā  The option to select the complex from suggested items will be available. After clicking on the Complex name, WPL stores the Listing ID of that Complex as a parent value.

After setting the parent Complex, WPL fills most of property fields automatically based on the Complex data. For example it stores Complex neighborhood data into the Property neighborhood data.Ā  It also sets the Property type, Listing type etc.

Managing Complexes

By clicking on the "Manage Complexes" button on the "Complex Add-on" menu you will see the Complexes that you have entered.Ā  They can be managed like the properties.

Complex Listing

If you want to create a Listing Menu for complexes, add kind="1" parameter to your shortcode or you can use the WPL shortcode wizard for adding this parameter to the Property Listing shortcode.

The final shortcode will be: [WPL kind="1" limit="12" wplorderby="p.mls_id+0" wplorder="DESC"]

Listing a Specific Complex Properties

To list a specific Complex/Condo properties, you can insert sf_parent="[Listing ID]" to the Property Listing shortcode. Instead of the [Listing ID] you should insert Listing ID of complex/condo.Ā  For example sf_parent="1036".

The final shortcode will be: [WPL sf_parent="1036" limit="12" wplorderby="p.mls_id+0" wplorder="DESC"]

Showing Complexes in the Carousel widget

For showing Complexes in the Carousel widget, you can simply set the Kind parameter of the Carousel widget.

Complex Units

When visiting the complex details page, the Units of that complex will be displayed under the the complex image and description, alongside the complex details tab itself. Using these tabs, you can see a list of units assigned to that complex, separated by their listing types:

Widget Areas

The complex addon has two widget areas which you can use for placing widgets. Those two places are Complex Listing Top, which is the place above the complex listings; and Complex Listing Bottom that is the bottom of the complex listings.

MLS / Importer Addon Integration

The complex addon is integrated with MLS and Importer addons, therefore you can automatically create complexes when youā€™re importing data from those addons and also automatically assign listings to those complexes.

NOTE: Complex addon also includes integrated Microdata for SEO improvements.