Brokerage Add-on

Brokerage Add-on


Last update: June, 2020

Contents of this Manual are applicable to the WPL Brokerage Add-On. Details of this Manual may be different based on the customizations you have or your software.



This Manual contains information about the Brokerage Integration Add-On, an extension for the

WPL plugin.

Brokerage Add-on is a tool to provide the ability to brokers to manage their own brokerage by managing

agents and listings under their brokerage. Broker users can add or remove agents from their brokerage. Also, they’re able to see and manage all listings added by themselves or their agents. They can also filter the listings by a certain agent. Admin users can create a membership for brokers and add broker users to that membership. Also admin can specify allowed memberships for the broker agents. Additionally, admin can manage. A maximum number of agents and listings that a broker can add to the website. When subscription of a broker user get expired then all its agents and listings get expired automatically and after a renew by broker everything gets renewed.

System Requirements

To use the Brokerage Add-on you will need the following:

  1. WPL PRO (You cannot install any add-on to the WPL basic)

  2. WPL Membership add-on.


If you have the Installation Package of the Brokerage Add-On, you can upload it from the following

path: WordPress->WPL dashboard->Install Add-on form.

You can download the installation package of Yelp add-on from Realtyna’s billing website.


Create New Membership

After installing the brokerage add-on a new user type named Brokers will be added to user types of

WPL. You can access that user type from WPL->Memberships->User Types menu.

You should add at least one new membership package with the desired configuration for this new user

type. To add a new membership, you should click plus icon in WPL->Membership menu and set the

Type field to Brokers.

Do not forget to enable the Addon Brokerage access for the new membership. Also, you can see

brokerage options in the Brokerage tab.

In the Brokerage tab, you can set maximum agents that broker users can add to their brokerage and

also you can specify the allowed memberships for the broker agents. Also if you want to limit the

maximum number of listings that a brokerage can add to your website, you can set it in the

Advanced tab.

After all, save the membership. Don’t forget that you can add many different memberships for

broker users with different configuration with different price but having 1 membership is


Create First Broker

After creating broker membership(s), you can assign one of the existing agents or a new user to broker

membership. To do it, just change the membership of user to one of the broker memberships from WPL-

>users menu.

Manage Brokerage

Broker users (Those that are assigned to a broker membership) can manage their brokerage from

The frontend dashboard.

By opening the Brokerage menu they’re able to add new agents or manage existing agents. Also, they

can see some stats regarding their brokerage. They can also see the memberships that they’re

allowed to use for their agents.

Using the Add Agent tab they’re able to add new agents to their brokerage.

Manage Brokerage

Broker users are able to see and manage not only their own listings on the Listing Manager menu but all

agents’ listings too. They can confirm / purge / Trash and Edit all listings of their brokerage.