How to use SEO patterns of WPL?

How to use SEO patterns of WPL?

Advanced SEO Patterns

Since WPL 3.2.0, we introduced an advanced tool for managing the SEO patterns of WPL. You can use this tool for specifying different SEO patterns for different property types and different entities/kinds (Complex and/or Neighborhood) if you have multiple entities/kinds on your website.

You can find this tool in WPL->Settings->SEO.

By default, WPL uses default SEO patterns unless you specify a certain pattern for a certain kind/property type. You can find default SEO patterns above this tool in WPL->Settings->SEO menu.

Please check the following figure for inserting conditional SEO patterns:

Default SEO Patterns

In case that you lost the default SEO patterns, you can find them below and insert in your WPL:
Listing Link: [property_type][glue][listing][glue][location][glue][rooms][glue][bedrooms][glue][bathrooms][glue][price]

Listing Title: [property_type] [listing] [str:at:street_no] [street_no] [street] [location4_name]

Listing Page Title: [property_type] [listing] [glue] [rooms] [glue] [bedrooms] [glue] [bathrooms] [glue] [price] [glue] [id] [glue]

Meta Description: [bedrooms] [str:Bedrooms:bedrooms] [rooms] [str:Rooms:rooms] [str:With:bathrooms] [bathrooms] [str:Bathrooms:bathrooms] [property_type] [listing] [field_54] [field_42] [str:On the:field_55] [field_55] [str:Floor:field_55] [str:In] [location]

Meta Keywords: [location][glue] [bedrooms] [str:Bedrooms:bedrooms][glue] [rooms] [str:Rooms:rooms][glue][bathrooms][str:Bathrooms:bathrooms][glue][property_type][glue][listing][glue][field_54][glue][field_42][glue][field_55][glue][listing_id]

SEO Pattern Terms

[glue]: Used as a separator for elements, WPL will replace it by default with its own glues but if you like to change it you can simply replace [glue] with your desired separator. For example, replace [glue] with - character.

[str:In]: It will insert Simple "In" text into the pattern. Also, it cares about translation and multilingual subjects. For example, if your website is Spanish, try to translate "In" text into Spanish and then insert the Spanish text. If you're wondering about translation subjects, don't forget to use the same format for inserting texts into the patterns.

[str:Bedrooms:bedrooms]: It's a conditional text, it will insert "Bathroom" text into the pattern only if bedrooms data is set and is higher than 0.

[column_name]: You can insert data of any WPL columns into the pattern, knowing the column name of that field is necessary. By column name we mean, column name in [wp_prefix]_wpl_properties table.

Clearing WPL Cache

Note: Don't forget to clear WPL caches on WPL->Settings->Maintenance section if you modified SEO patterns.

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