Error Handling
As the RESO standard adheres to the OData protocol, all error responses should follow the corresponding standard. Here is the response body format based on this standard:
Response Codes:
Error Code | Error Name | Description | Sample Request |
400 | Bad Request | Authorization and Authentication are OK but the request cannot be handled by server. | reso/odata/Property?$filt= ListingId eq 'FHR20231663' |
401 | Unauthorized | Access to the endpoint without a valid access token |
403 | Forbidden | api-key is wrong or no access to the feed |
404 | Not Found | access to a resource that does not exist or is not available | reso/odata/Prop?$filter=field eq value |
429 | Quota Exceeded | Indicates too many attempts in the past minute or hour |
500 | Server Error | Indicates an error in Server |
504 | Gateway Timeout | Indicates that the query took too long to process |