Neighbourhoods Auto Suggestion

Neighbourhoods Auto Suggestion


The Neighbourhood Auto Suggestion API offers auto-suggestions for completed neighbourhoods based on the first digits of a given partial neighbourhood name. This is useful for providing users with quick and accurate suggestions while entering neighbourhood information.

Base URL

The base URL for the API is https://api.realtyfeed.com.


Neighbourhood Auto Suggestion


GET /geo/neighbourhood/autosuggestion

Query Parameters

  • neighbourhood (string, optional): The partial or complete neighborhood for which auto-suggestions will be provided. Defaults to "Northeast" if not provided.


200 OK: Returns a JSON response containing a list of auto-suggested completed neighbourhoods.


["Northeast", ...]

404 Not Found: If no auto-suggestions are found for the given input.



GET /geo/neighbourhood/autosuggestion?neighbourhood=Northeast


["Northeast", ...]


To use the Neighbourhood Auto Suggestion API, perform a GET request to the specified endpoint with the optional neighbourhood query parameter. The API will respond with a list of auto-suggested completed neighbourhoods based on the provided input.

Error Handling

404 Not Found: If no auto-suggestions are found for the given input, the API will respond with a 404 status code and an error message in the response body.

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