RESO Endpoints Error Reponses
As the RESO standard adheres to the OData protocol, all error responses should follow the corresponding standard. Here is the response body format based on this standard: OData JSON Format Version 4.0 Plus Errata 03
Response Codes:
Error Code | Error Name | Description | Sample Request |
400 | Bad Request | Authorization and Authentication are OK but the request cannot be handled by server. | reso/odata/Property?$filt= ListingId eq 'FHR20231663' |
401 | Unauthorized | Access to the endpoint without a valid access token |
403 | Forbidden | api-key is wrong or no access to the feed |
404 | Not Found | access to a resource that does not exist or is not available | reso/odata/Prop?$filter=field eq value |
429 | Quota Exceeded | Indicates too many attempts in the past minute or hour |
500 | Server Error | Indicates an error in Server |
504 | Gateway Timeout | Indicates that the query took too long to process |