Developers - How to override WPL views on a theme
WPL uses an amazing structure to override the frontend of your website, activities, widgets, and even the views in your Administrative Panel! You can simply put the tmpl files on your theme with a specific structure. WPL will then include the overridden files instead of the original ones.
WPL view path is [plugin-folder]/views/[section]/[view-name]/tmpl/[tmpl-files]
Please put the tmpl files in your theme with this path structure: /[theme-folder]/wplhtml/[section]/[view-name]/[tmpl-files]
Example - If you are using the WPL28 theme, the files should be put into these paths:
propertylisting default tmpl --> /wpl_twentyeight/wplhtml/frontend/property_listing/default.php
propertyshow default tmpl --> /wpl_twentyeight/wplhtml/frontend/property_show/default.php
gallery pshow tmpl --> /wpl_twentyeight/wplhtml/activities/listing_gallery/pshow.php
PDF flyer tmpl --> /wpl_twentyeight/wplhtml/basics/features/pdf.php
For overriding the widgets tmpl you would put the tmpl file into this path /wpl_twentyeight/wplhtml/widgets/agents/default.php
Child Theme
The paths are the same if you're using a child theme. For example /wpl_twentyeight-child/wplhtml/frontend/property_listing/default.php
If you didn't put the file on the child theme and the file existed on the main theme, WPL imports the file from the main theme. Otherwise, it would include the original file.
Note: There is no need to remove the original files after overriding. You can also modify overridden files without changing the original files.
Note: There is no need to put overridden files inside of /tmpl/ directory.