Sending Email to a Customer

Sending Email to a Customer

Customer a.k.a Reporter

It is important to note that we need to create the customer email first in order to create an issue.
Also if the customer has not send us a request via Jira he is not in this database and we have to add them here by creating the email.


If you need to send an Email to a Customer simply create an Issue

You can take a look at the custom fields if you have the information at hand you can enter from here

If not Just enter the summary and edit those later

Reporter in this screen view is the highlighted part : Raise this request on behalf of


Now what do you do if you cant find the reporter email?

Simply create a new custom by pressing Create.

If you left this Field empty you can go ahead to the sidebar of the project

Press customer and the from the top right side press add customer and enter the new customer manually

and then go back to your Issue and choose the customer you just entered