How to manage WPL sort options?

How to manage WPL sort options?

WPL uses some default sort options in listing pages. You can disable/enable these sort options using WPL->Data Structure->Sort Options.

In this menu, you can simply rename the sort options or set different labels for their Ascending and Descending labels. Also, you're able to change the position of the sort options. Even you can disable Ascending or Descending type of sort options.

Note: You cannot change the actual meaning and function of a sort option by changing its name. For example. if you change 'Listing ID' to 'Status', it will still sort the listings by Listing ID.

Add/Remove Sort Options

WPL 3.0 introduces new features to add a new sort option or remove existing sort options through "WPL->Flex"

Note: There are some fields that cannot be added to the sort options.

Note: Also there are some fields that cannot be removed from the sort options.

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