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In This Article we will explain how to fill out the general Invoice form

To request an invoice template please email

Shortly you will receive an email with a shared excel sheet file which will be your template. You will use that template for each months calculation.

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Lets break down the invoice step by step (wink)

Section 1


Invoice For: We are invoicing Realtyna INC and the business details are there for you;
Invoice #: You can have your own Invoice number depending on what works for you (we usually suggest something easy like the first letter of the month plus the number of days in a month or something similar for example J31 or J03 and etc.);
Month of: specification of the month the the invoice (Julys invoice is billed in August);
Payable to: Real Name and surname, after system name and ID
Bank requisites: Copy and paste your full bank account requisites;

Section 2


Due Hours/Months: this amount of hours stays unchanged it is the minimum threshold of working hours at the moment;
Worked hours: amount of worked hours from ERP.After filling out ERP you can take the final amount of worked hours and write here;
Calculation: Contains a formula which calculates the amount/hours ratio;
Prepayment: An amount you received in advanced which will be deducted from the total amount automatically;
Total: The total of the worked hours/amount/prepayment calculation;
Currency: The currency you are receive in;

Section 3


Type: This can be project you worked on,Review in Google or in Wordpress or any other granted bonus from the manager;
Ticket ID or Link/If acceptable: Here you paste the ticket ID or the link link to the article that was reviewed and etc.;
Amount: Amount of the bonus or commission;
Currency: Currency of the amount;

Section 4

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Please Note: some might have one submission date or graph but again as everyone's is different you might submit the commissions/bonuses later (project commissions to be exact or a late google review) and that is why there is that merger to add the date of submitting to the invoice along with the delivered projects sheet.There are some sheets with no merge you can freely change if necessary.

In this part you need to enter the submission date of the invoice.Again if you submitted part two later you have to resend the invoice and just fill up the part 2 related section the rest will be calculated itself.

Notes: Last but not least is the Notes: section.Here you can write down

  • The hours that were holiday/leave hours

  • Period of General orientation

  • Any invoice related notes

Downloading and sending

Just download the actual edited and filled version (ready one, just pdf) and send to
Save in portrait mode so that when opening everything is on one page.


Hope you find this helpful 🥳